Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Western Classical Piece Transformation Reflection #1

Choosing and finalizing my ideas

For this assignment we were required to research and acquire a piece from the classical era and transform it any shape or form where there’s no limit to our creativity. I decided to transform the piece called “Allegro” by Muzio Clementi. I thought I would pick this piece as it was an interesting piece and has a memorable melody. In addition, this piece is quite a crowd favorite so I think it would be a good idea to choose this piece for the assignment. This piece was composed towards the end of the 18th century. He composed this piece expressly for the new instrument- the harpsichord. Although, some parts of the piece are played on piano. Now I have chosen to transform this piece by doing a DJ remix of it and included the main section of the piece and using it as a sequence. I considered writing lyrics to it and playing the instrumental, but I realized that I wouldn’t really be developing new skills, as this is something I usually do. I wanted to develop new skills and learn something new.  

Below is a table showing the advantages and disadvantages that helped me to choose whether or not to progress with this idea:

Developing new skills
May be difficult as it’s new to me
Experimenting with garage band
Difficult to structure
Can display a variety of instruments, textures, and harmonies
Time consuming
Diversity in my composition

As seen above, the advantages clearly weigh out the disadvantages. So I have decided to use this idea for my western classical piece transformation.

1 comment:

  1. A good piece of research & informative introduction to your task. Well done.
